For artists

We get several enquiries every month from artists looking for representation in Denmark and despite their obvious musical talents we have to turn most of them down, mainly because we have plenty on our hands already.
Therefore we kindly ask that you consider the following before you approach us:
  • Does your music fit into the general genre of music that the artists on our roster play, i.e. folk/acoustic music? If not, then chances are you fall outside of the field we work in. We only work with acts, whose music we really like, so unless your music appeals to our tastes, we will not take you on.
  • Are you an all-instrumental band? We get many enquiries from young bands playing only tunes. You will notice that our roster contains few all-intrumental bands. We love a good song, and it takes a very special instrumental act to win us over (and the same often applies to Danish audiences, who also favour song-based bands). Unless you (honestly) can say you are something out of the ordinary, you will probably get a polite "no" from us.
  • What is your time horizon? We book a limited number (3-5) of tours each year and most of our tours are booked 1-1½ year in advance. Since we try to plan ahead as well, our available tour openings often lie 2+ years into the future. If you are looking for someone to book a tour in the next 3-6 months, we are probably not the ones to do so.
We do my best to respond to all enquiries, but given the amount we receive, we cannot promise that we will in each case. Thanks for your understanding.
We also recommend UK agent Jacey Bedford's music business help files for some excellent explanations of what an agent does and why you might or might not need one. Worth a read!
Note: We are not taking on any new acts at the moment!
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