10-års jubilæumsprogram17-05-2021 21:58
P.S. Vi kan ikke udelukke, at der udover nedenstående program også kommer en enkelt overraskelse eller to til...
Ray Cooper - Land of Heroes22-04-2021 12:00 Ray Cooper udgav i sidste uge sit fjerde soloalbum, Land of Heroes. Albummet blev indspillet i løbet af sommeren 2020 og indeholder en samling sange og instrumentalnumre, løst bundet sammen om helte som gennemgående tema - både nutidens helte (whistleblowere, sygeplejersker, venner, almindelige mennesker) og nogle mere klassiske eller historiske af slagsen. Med en enkelt undtagelse er alle numrene skrevet af Ray selv.
Ray Cooper - The Beast EP17-07-2020 12:00  Som en lille "mellemlanding", inden det næste egentlige album efter planen udkommer i begyndelsen af 2021, har Ray Cooper i dag sluppet EP'en The Beast med tre nye numre.
Videoen til det ene, Eyes of Mercy, kan ses her.
FATEAs David Kidman har netop anmeldt EPen og skrev bl.a.:
"The famed Chopper signatures are there in full force - hard-hitting and savvy lyrics and robust vocals, supported by solid textures imaginatively scored - but as with each subsequent new release the listener's transported into new territory. [...] a very strong new addition to Ray's recorded output, and yes, 'it (still) doesn't sound like anybody else'!"
Læs anmeldelsen i sin helhed her:
Ray Cooper - Between the Golden Age & The Promised Land25-05-2018 12:00  I dag udkommer Ray Coopers tredje soloalbum, Between the Golden Age & The Promised Land, officielt (men de, der valgte at opleve ham live sammen med Leonard Podolak i marts kunne allerede der sikre sig et eksemplar).
Anmelderne har allerede kastet roser over det:
"...a majestic, tour-de-force of an album, destined, surely, to become one of the releases of the year [...] This is a wonderfully well-balanced collection, showcasing perfectly the consummate song-writing and musical skills of this multi-talented artist, an artist firmly at the forefront of contemporary singer-songwriters. The album delivers the aural equivalent of a wide-screen UHD cinematic experience, such is its richness, and it rewards the listener with the promise of songs that will long remain in the memory." - David Pratt, FATEA Magazine
"Legendary is a word oft-cheapened by inappropriate overuse, its status conferred without true reason. Although, when used to describe artists whose works deserve the accolade, those individuals demure and modestly reject its usage. It is my contention the music contained in ‘Between The Golden Age & The Promised Land’ from Ray Cooper deserves the tribute ... legendary now and in the future [...] The combination of Cooper’s deeply sonorous voice resonates the messages, coupled to hook-laden, instantly memorable tunes, to make this an album of outstanding quality and instant significance [...] prepare to be moved." - Tim Carrol